What is a Covenant Not to Compete?

Definition of: Covenant Not to Compete

A covenant not to compete, also called a non-compete clause, is a formal agreement in a sale of a business in which the seller agrees not to compete in the same business for a period of time or in a specific geographic area. Many business owners (when selling their business) sign a covenant not to compete to satisfy the new owner. This prevents the seller from selling his/her business and then opening a competing business within the same geographical area. It is usually a seperate document in addition to the purchase agreement. A covenant not to compete is generally legal and enforceable, although there are some exceptions in some states.

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BusinessMart.com has become the fastest growing business for sale search engine, helping buyers and sellers of small businesses and franchises. BusinessMart.com has many resources to help you on your journey to start your own business, sell your existing business or open a franchise. BusinessMart.com has thousands of businesses for sale in the US and Canada.

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